Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hebrew: More on Group 1 Verbs and Word Pairs

More on Word Pairs

When word pairs are plural the first word is required to be in the plural but not the second word. The first word may have a shortened pronunciation. Also plural nouns ending in im/ים change to ey/י and adjectives will agree with the first word.

book - books - children's book - children' books
ספר – ספרים – ספר ילדים ספרי ילדים
sefer - sfarim - sefer yeladim - sifrey yeladim

More Group 1 Verbs

This final group consists of roots ending in kh/ח or ah/ע

Example: to forget - li'shko-akh - שכוח
root: ש–כ–ח

shokhe-akh - שוכח
shokhakhat - שוכחת
shokhekhim - שוכחים
shokhekhot - שוכחות

Impersonal Ones

To be impersonal use the plural form

What do you find in that store?
מה מוצאים בחנות ההיא
Mah mots-im ba'khanut ha'hi?
Posted by Anonymous at 6:29 PM | 0 comments  
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hungarian: Have, Double Negatives, and Plural Possesives


There is no verb for have in Hungarian rather you use a rather formulaic expression of subject-dative + object-possessive + van/vannak (vannak is plural object ONLY. (never use a with the possessed object like in normal possessives)

The doctor has a big family.
Az Orvosnak nagy családja van.

They have an American car.
Nekik amerikai koscijuk van.

When you negate this sentiment change van/vannak for nincs-nincsen/nincsenek but the word order changes to subject-dative + nincs-nincsen/nincsenek + object-possesive

I don't have a girlfriend.
Nekem nincs barátnőm.

When asking this in a question the word order changes again and the verb comes first followed by the subject then object. It should be noted when using dative pronouns or when the person is clear it can be dropped.

Do you have a momm? I just have a dad.
Van anyád? Csak apám van.

Double Negatives

When using sehol (nowhere), senki (nobody), or semmi (nothing) you need to use a second negative word with it either nem or sem (sem can only be used as the second negative).

I'm not writing to anyone.
Nem írok senkinek. / Senkinek sem (or nem) írok.

The second negative may also be nins(en)/sincs(en) when appropriate.

Nothing is here.
Semmi nincs itt.

She's nowhere!
Sehol sincs ő.

Sem/Sincs are also used in neither/nor phrases.

I don't like water or lemonade.
Nem szeretek sem vízt, sem limonádét.

Neither do you.
Neked sincs.

Plural Possesives

my - im
your - id
his/her/its - i

our - ink
your - itok/itek
their - ik

If adding to a or e lengthen to á and é, for other vowels just add the endings. For consoannts you need a buffer (j)a/(j)e (j-use almost always the same as the singular possesive).

Noun Stems

There are three classes of nouns that add possesives, plurals, and accusative differently. You must learn this individually.

Low-Vowel Nouns

-linking vowel is a/e
-always require linking vowel in accusative
-never use j-possesives
-may show vowel loss in last syllable

(ház - house)
nominative: ház / házak
accusative: házat / házakat
my: házam / házaim
his: háza / házai
our: házunk / házaink

Fleeting Vowel Nouns

-omit last vowel of the noun
-linking vowel always required for accusative
-never use the j-possesive

(álom - dream)
nominative: álom / álmok
accusative: álmot / álmokat
my: álmom / álmaim
his: álma / álmai
our: álmunk / álmaink

-Alom and -Elem Nouns

-linking vowel always a/e
-last vowel omitted

(szerelem - love)
nominative: szerelem / szerelmek
accusative: szerelmet / szerelmeket
my: szerelmem / szerelmeim
his: szerelme / szerelmei
our: szerelmünk / szerelmeink
Posted by Anonymous at 4:00 PM | 0 comments  
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hebrew: Possesion, More Group 1, and Word Pairs


There are two ways:

1 - someone's something or possesive pronouns

shel - של means of (must use ha - ה with the possessed.

I like the restaurant's trout.
אני אוהבה את הפורל של המסעדח
Ani ohevet et ha'forel shel ha'mis-adah.

But shel can with pronoun endings too

my - sheli - שלי
your (m) - shelkha - שלך
your (f) - shelakh - שלך
his - shelo - שלו
her - shelah - שלה
our - shelanu - שלנו
your (m) - shelakhem - שלכם
your (f) - shelaken - שלכן
their (m) - shelahem - שלהם
their (f) - shelahen - שלהן

My family lives in America.
המשפחה שלי גרח באמריקה
Ha'mispakhah sheli garah b'amerikah.

there is no verb that means to have instead you say to (person) there is (not)

to me - li - לי
to you - lekha / lakh - לך
to him - lo - לו
to her - lah - לה
to us - lanu - לנו
to you - lakhem / lakhen - לכם / לכן
to them - lahem / lahen - להם / להן

We have the tickets.
יש לנו הכרטיסים
Yesh lanu ha'kartisim.

Sarah doesn't have house.
לשׂרה אין בית
L'Sarah eyn bayit.

Can also switch position of eyn/yesh and person/pronoun.

More Group 1 Verbs

those with a middle letter of ו or י drop that letter

to live/dwell
infinitive: la'gur - לגור
root: gur – גור

gar - גר
garah - גרה
garim - גרים
garot - גרות

Yakhol is a verb that means can/able to and like in English it has no infinitive and verbs that follow it take the infinitive.

Can you come to my office?
אתח יכול לפגוש להמשׂרד שלי
Atah yakhol l'fgosh la'ha'misrad sheli/



What university are you studying at?
באיזו אוניורסיטה את לומדת
B'eyzo universitah at lomedet?

*Hebrew colloquially uses איזה for the plural which instead of אילו

Word Pairs

Word pairs are word that when put together make a new word that in english often needs a preposition. If the first word ends in ah - ה it changes to ת. Also when it is definite only the second word is preceded by the. Some nouns also change vowels, such as house "bayit" changing to beyt.

glass of water
כוס מימ

the school
בית הספר

the weekend
סופ השבוע
Posted by Anonymous at 4:33 PM | 0 comments  
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