Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Welsh Lesson 1: Greetings and Goodbyes

hello: helo, hylo
how are things? Sut mae? (shwmai in SW, s'mai in NW)
how are you? Sut rydych chi? (Shwt 'ych chi in SW, Sut 'dach chi in NW)
good morning: bore da
good afternoon: p'nawn da
good evening: noswaith dda
goodnight: nos da
goodbye: hwyl (fawr), da boch chi
alright, ok: iawn
very well: da iawn
quite well: eitha(f) da
fine: gweddol
thanks (very much) diolch (yn fawr [iawn])
and you? a chi?
isn't it? on'd ydy?

-adjectives follow nouns
-to say how are the children or Elena etc write Sut mae'r (plural) or Sut mae (singular).
-there is no word for it in welsh, to talk about the weather use the word for she - hi however hi is often left out
-after a vowel yn (links verb to subject) is shortened to 'n

How's Elena? Sue mae Elena?
How are things with the children? Sut mae'r plant?
Posted by Orange Blossom at 9:52 AM |  


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